Legacy’s gallery took form over several years of expansion and remodeling, rebuilding and demolition to get to the state it is currently in and as a result some displays have ended up in rather odd locations or stuffed wherever it would fit.
These new halls will provide much more spacious feels to the classic museum with familiar displays and fresh approaches to areas with much needed work while still preserving the overall feel we have all come to know and love. Authors can contact the Legacy team to be assigned a claim area and they will easily be able to adapt their items and displays to work with Legacy’s sorting systems and display checklists without altering Legacy data. A full system overhaul will also be in place to allow 3rd party developers to much easier build patches to utilize the museum. It will accommodate all existing displays while providing plenty of room for upcoming Odyssey rewards and displays.
This custom asset build will be more spacious, better laid out and much more organized. With this final definitive version which brings full compatibility with the upcoming Odyssey of the Dragonborn project, the gallery will be decked out in full amazing style with a brand new scratch built custom museum interior and exterior 100% overhaul! Hall of Heroes
Long has the Dragonborn gallery brought awe to those who beheld it, but never so much as it will come V20 of Legacy of the Dragonborn (V5 for SE).